KW-19-2023: One year ago (12. – 14. May 2023) – Marillion Weekend – Day 2/3

One year ago, on day 2 of the MONTREAL MARILLION WEEKEND 2023, the bland played the Tribute to Leonard Cohen-Song „The Crow and the Nightingale“.  It was introduced with the words: „Thank you for your words of longing/ It doesn’t really matter whether or not I understood them/ …“ – Photo by Christof Graf, taken from the Book: MARILLION, MONTREAL & LEONARD COHEN

Vol. 6 – Marillion , Montreal & Leonard Cohen – UK-Prog Rock-Band #MARILLION on Montreal and on Leonard Cohen – Essays, Photos, Interviews – #Marillion #Montreal #LeonardCohen



KW-19-2023: One year ago (12. – 14. May 2023) – Marillion Weekend – Day 2/3

More Infos and pics from the MARILLION MONTREAL WEEKEND 2022 here:

Vol. 6 – Marillion , Montreal & Leonard Cohen – UK-Prog Rock-Band #MARILLION on Montreal and on Leonard Cohen – Essays, Photos, Interviews – #Marillion #Montreal #LeonardCohen


An Hour Before It’s Dark

Be Hard On Yourself (I) The Tear in the Big Picture

Be Hard On Yourself (II) Lust for Luxury

Be Hard On Yourself (III) You Can Learn

Reprogram the Gene (I) Invincible

Reprogram the Gene (II) Trouble-Free Life

Reprogram the Gene (III) A Cure for Us?

Only a Kiss

Murder Machines

The Crow and the Nightingale

Sierra Leone (I) Chance in a Million

Sierra Leone (II) The White Sand

Sierra Leone (III) The Diamond

Sierra Leone (IV) The Blue Warm Air

Sierra Leone (V) More Than Treasure

Care (I) Maintenance Drugs

Care (II) An Hour Before It’s Dark

Care (III) Every Cell

Care (IV) Angels on Earth



Afraid of Sunlight


Encore 2:

The Space…

Encore 3:

Separated Out

(Played as „Zeparated Out“ with a tease of Led Zeppelin’s „Kashmir“)


KW-19-2023: One year ago (12. – 14. May 2023) – Marillion Weekend – Day 3/3

One year ago, on day 3 of the MONTREAL MARILLION WEEKEND 2023, the bland played 20 more songs, including „Three Minute Boy“ Preceded by a short snippet of the Song „Montreal“ played solo by h. – Photos by Christof Graf, taken from the Book: MARILLION, MONTREAL & LEONARD COHEN

More INFOS & PHOTOS about the MARILLION MONTREAL WEEKEND 2023 you can find here:

Vol. 6 – Marillion , Montreal & Leonard Cohen – UK-Prog Rock-Band #MARILLION on Montreal and on Leonard Cohen – Essays, Photos, Interviews – #Marillion #Montreal #LeonardCohen


KW-19-2023: One year ago (12. – 14. May 2023) – Marillion Weekend – Day 3/3

More INFOS & PHOTOS about the MARILLION MONTREAL WEEKEND 2023 you can find here:

Vol. 6 – Marillion , Montreal & Leonard Cohen – UK-Prog Rock-Band #MARILLION on Montreal and on Leonard Cohen – Essays, Photos, Interviews – #Marillion #Montreal #LeonardCohen




Living With the Big Lie


The Hollow Man

Born to Run

Play Video

White Paper

Sugar Mice


The Fruit of the Wild Rose

Older Than Me

Afraid of Sunrise

Map of the World

Pour My Love

A Voice From the Past

Somewhere Else


A Few Words for the Dead

Garden Party

KW-19-2024: #breaking news: More Tourdates out: The WEBB SISTERS (Ex-Leonard Cohen-Band) on tour with DAVID GILMOUR in London (UK) & Rome (Italy)


#breaking news: More Tourdates out: The WEBB SISTERS (Ex-Leonard Cohen-Band) on tour with DAVID GILMOUR in London (UK) & Rome (Italy)

David Gilmour will return to the Royal Albert Hall with his first live shows in London for eight years in support of his new album Luck and Strange. Presale (UK) today. – David Gilmour – Luck and Strange (27.09.-03.10.2024) – Circo Massimo, Rome, Italy. Presale (Italy) : 27 th of may 2024.

Luck and Strange was recorded over five months in Brighton and London and is Gilmour’s first album of new material in nine years. The album features eight new tracks along with a beautiful reworking of The Montgolfier Brothers’ ‘Between Two Points’ .

The Tourband will be: David Gilmour: Guitars, Vocals/ Guy Pratt: Bass Guitar/ Charley Webb: Vocals/ Hattie Webb: Vocals/ Rob Gentry: Keyboards/ Adam Betts: Drums

Tickets on Sale: 27.5.2024

KW-19-2024: OLIVER STONES BIOPIC ÜBER ROCKLEGENDE JIM MORRISON KOMMT AM 7. Mai 2024 IN 4K RESTAURIERT ZURÜCK AUF DIE GROSSE LEINWAND.Die Musik der Doors ist bis heute legendär und ihr charismatischer Frontmann Jim Morrison eine unvergessliche Ikone der Hippiekultur. „The Doors“ eroberten in den 1960ern die Musikwelt mit ihrem unverwechselbaren Sound und ihren Live-Auftritten.


Die Musik der Doors ist bis heute legendär und ihr charismatischer Frontmann Jim Morrison eine unvergessliche Ikone der Hippiekultur. „The Doors“ eroberten in den 1960ern die Musikwelt mit ihrem unverwechselbaren Sound und ihren Live-Auftritten.

Regisseur Oliver Stone nahm sich 1991 dem Mythos um die bereits im Alter von 27 Jahren früh verstorbene Rocklegende an und schuf mit THE DOORS ein hypnotisches Biopic über Jim Morrisons exzessives Leben – großartig porträtiert von Hauptdarsteller Val Kilmer.