KW-13-2022: Emmylou Harris 75 years old on 2nd of April 2022. – Leonard Cohen wrote a letter to Emmylou … Greeting from Leonard Cohen to Polar Music Prize Laureate Emmylou Harris.

Greeting from Leonard Cohen to Polar Music Prize Laureate Emmylou Harris

„Dear Emmylou Harris,

Thank you for singing that song of mine.

You brought it to a place I could never get to.

And thank you for putting into the crowded air,

and establishing it there for all to feel,

the beauty, the dignity

and the loneliness of America itself.

In the midst of all the bewildering directions

your voice takes us home.

With deep gratitude,

Leonard Cohen“

Emmylou Harris thank you speech at the Polar Music Prize ceremony

The Polar Music Prize 2015 is awarded to the artist Emmylou Harris from Birmingham, Alabama. No one in the history of popular music has harmonised like Emmylou Harris. For five decades she has embellished other artists‘ recordings by adding vocal parts that did not exist in the melodies. But it is as an artist in her own right that she has made the greatest contribution. The music of Emmylou Harris contains the history and topography of the entire American continent. Her voice follows the contours of the American landscape, from the highest peaks to the endless prairie. Weather, soil and colour, it can all be perceived in her music. As she sings in one of the best of her own compositions, she is a red dirt girl from a red dirt town. Emmylou Harris has also used her position as a musician to work for feminism, animal rights and the care of people affected by war. Emmylou Harris makes the world bigger and smaller, more valuable and more beautiful.



KW-13-2022: My lil Corona-Tagebuch: Zahlreiche Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen gehen zu Ende

Mehr als zwei Jahre nach Beginn der Corona-Pandemie sind die meisten staatlichen Alltagsbeschränkungen in weiten Teilen Deutschlands beendet. Trotz weiter hoher Infektionszahlen sieht der neue bundesweite Rechtsrahmen seit heute nur wenige allgemeine Schutzmaßnahmen vor. Möglich sind in fast allen Bundesländern damit noch Maskenpflichten etwa in Praxen, Pflegeheimen, Kliniken, Bussen und Bahnen sowie Tests beispielsweise in Schulen. Bundesweit gilt weiter Maskenpflicht in Fernzügen und Flugzeugen. Unabhängig von staatlichen Regeln können Firmen, Geschäfte und andere Einrichtungen nach Hausrecht weiterhin Vorgaben wie Maskenpflichten beibehalten.

++ Inzidenz sinkt weiter auf 1457,9 ++

Stand: 03.04.2022 06:54 Uhr

Die bundesweite Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz ist weiter gesunken, sie liegt laut RKI jetzt bei knapp 1458. Der Städtetag drängt auf die Einführung der allgemeinen Impfpflicht.


China meldet Höchstwert an Infektionen seit Februar 2020

China hat am Sonntag mehr als 13.000 Corona-Neuinfektionen binnen 24 Stunden verzeichnet.


Städtetag warnt vor Scheitern der allgemeinen Impfpflicht

Der Deutsche Städtetag hat vor einem Scheitern der allgemeinen Impfpflicht gegen das Coronavirus gewarnt. „Wir riskieren im Herbst wieder viele schwere Krankheitsverläufe, falls die Impfpflicht nicht kommt“, sagte Hauptgeschäftsführer Helmut Dedy den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.


KW-13-2022: Why Leonard Cohen joined a war to sing for his brothers, and never spoke of it again

Using Cohen’s own notes, and recollections of Israeli soldiers who heard him, Matti Friedman teases out the astounding story of the Jewish singer-priest on the Yom Kippur frontline

By David Horovitz          29 March 2022, 11:15 am SOURCE:

KW-13-2022: WHO BY FIRE: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai – March 29 at 7:30 pm PT at the Skirball in LA, Matti will be in conversation with Rabbi David Wolpe, and April 4 at 6pm ET at the Streicker Center in NYC,

WHO BY FIRE: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai (Spiegel & Grau; April 5) by Matti Friedman is the little-known story of Leonard Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War, including never-before-seen selections from an unfinished manuscript by Cohen and rare photographs.
Spiegel & Grau publishing is excited to share with Leonard Cohens fans a special book trailer about a book which will surely be of interest to you!
Matti Friedman, the author, also has two events coming up which this Leonard Cohen community can attend: March 29 at 7:30 pm PT at the Skirball in LA, Matti will be in conversation with Rabbi David Wolpe, and April 4 at 6pm ET at the Streicker Center in NYC, Matti will be in conversation with Abigail Pogrebin with a special performance of Cohen’s songs by Cantor Gideon Zelermyer, known for his backing vocals on Cohen’s “You Want It Darker.” Both events can be attended virtually or in-person.
We sincerely hope you will enjoy this inspiring and moving Leonard Cohen story.
The little-known story of Leonard Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War, including never-before-seen selections from an unfinished manuscript by Cohen and rare photographs
In October 1973, the poet and singer Leonard Cohen?thirty-nine years old, famous, unhappy, and at a creative dead end?traveled from his home on the Greek island of Hydra to the chaos and bloodshed of the Sinai desert when Egypt attacked Israel on the Jewish high holiday of Yom Kippur. Moving around the front with a guitar and a group of local musicians, Cohen met hundreds of young soldiers, men and women at the worst moment of their lives. Those who survived never forgot the experience. And the war transformed Cohen. He had announced that he was abandoning his music career, but he instead returned to Hydra and to his family, had a second child, and released one of the best albums of his career. In Who by Fire, journalist Matti Friedman gives us a riveting account of those weeks in the Sinai, drawing on Cohen’s previously unpublished writing and original reporting to create a kaleidoscopic depiction of a harrowing, formative moment for both a young country at war and a singer at a crossroads.


MATTI FRIEDMAN is an award-winning journalist and author. Born in Toronto and based in Jerusalem, his work has appeared regularly in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Tablet, and elsewhere. Friedman’s last book, Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel, won the 2019 Natan Prize and the Canadian Jewish Book Award for history. Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story of a Forgotten War was chosen in 2016 as a New York Times Notable Book and one of Amazon’s 10 best books of the year. His first book, The Aleppo Codex, won the 2014 Sami Rohr Prize and the ALA’s Sophie Brody Medal.