KW-51-2021: my lil Corona – Tagebuch – Teil 2 in der X-Mas-Woche – Einigung über Uneinigkeit – 16 Bundesländer, 16 Meinungen und nach Weihnachten werden wir sehen, welche sich durchsetzt


KW-51-2021: Am 8.1.2021 war sein 5. Todestag – Am 8.1.2022 würde er 75 Jahre alt werden: David Bowie – 12 things you need to know about David Bowie in Berlin – 1976 – 1978 lebte er in Berlin.


Photo: taken from the Book David BOWIE & Leonard COHEN :


KW-51-2021: Leonard Cohen on Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones : “That’s What I Like About The Guy – There’s No Whining”

Photo: Taken by Christof Graf – Stuttgart 2018


“That’s What I Like About The Guy – There’s No Whining”


An ABC In Concert video featured Leonard Cohen (as host), Mick Jagger, & Mother Love Bone. The video began with Leonard talking about Mick Jagger.  (Sometimes you can find the clip on YOUTUBE)


Yes, it is true that a lot of people burn themselves out. A lot of people die, especially in rock and roll. But on the other hand, there are people who continue to perfect their art. Curiously enough — and this is probably a very unpopular example — I think the last album by Mick Jagger [Wandering Spirit], who is a figure who is not really taken seriously… That’s a guy who is somehow not considered to be at the cutting edge of his own spirit any longer. Somehow, he has dissolved into the celebrity that he so ferociously courted. But you know, I had occasion to look carefully at the lyrics of his last album [Wandering Spirit]. They’re really quite surprising. They’re pretty good. It’s been a long time since I’ve turned to Mick Jagger for spiritual information! I wanted to see what Mick Jagger was doing these days, ’cause all you hear of him is he shows up with a beautiful woman here or there, or he’s having marital problems, or he’s signing a $60 million contract. It seems not to have anything to do with what we’re interested in. But when I looked at that album, he says, ‘I’ve seen a whole lot of shit, I’ve seen more than most guys.’ He’s speaking the truth. He says, ‘I really have been on those mountains. I really have had dinner with those kings and princes and slept with those beautiful women. And now, from the point of view of this experience. I’m asking you: Is there nothing beyond the kisses? Is there anything better than fucking? I’d like to know because it isn’t very good.’ He’s saying something that is heavy and beautiful, and he’s saying it beautifully. And then … Nobody listening. You know it’s just like another little Mick Jagger record. And it’s cool. It’s OK. We don’t have to worry about the guy, either. We know he’s a billionaire, and we know he has these women. Putting all these things aside, which is difficult to do in a case like Mick Jagger, you see that this guy’s still on this trip at the age of 40 odd.


From Maverick Spirit: Leonard Cohen by Jim O’Brien. B-Side Magazine: August/September 1993.



KW-51-2021: Die Tournee der Rolling Stones war die erfolgreichste des Jahres 2021. – I think it’s wonderful the phenomenon of the Rolling Stones – the figure of Mick Jagger. (LEONARD COHEN ON THE ROLLING STONES)

I think it’s wonderful the phenomenon of the Rolling Stones – the figure of Mick Jagger.

The Year in Touring Charts 2021: The Rolling Stones Return to Glory With No. 1 Trek

No one tours like The Stones. Not only did they mount the biggest comeback tour of the post-COVID launch, they did it in only eight shows.


KW-51-2021: Leonard Cohen On Mick Jagger & The Rolling Stones : „They are the bread and wine of the pop groups.“ , Leonard Cohen said in an interview in the year of 1974.

Photo: Taken by Christof Graf – Stuttgart 2018

Leonard Cohen On Mick Jagger & The Rolling Stones:

I met Mick Jagger once in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel and he said, ‘Are you in New York for a poetry reading?’ There’s some of their songs I like very much. I think it’s wonderful the phenomenon of the Rolling Stones – the figure of Mick Jagger. They are the bread and wine of the pop groups. I was a little bit older than other people when I came into contact with these figures, and I’d already had my mind blown by older and much more outrageous people that I’d met in my youth, so I wasn’t about to succumb to the kind of fever that they produce in younger people. But I’ve always admired them from the slightly humourous point of view. I never did seriously ask myself if Mick Jagger was the Devil. But I think as figures they’re mighty interesting.


ZIGZAG, Leonard Cohen Interview: September 15, 1974 by Robin Pike (ZigZag, Oct 1974).

KW-50-2021: Am 08.01.2022 würde David Bowie 75 Jahre alt werden. Livestream-Konzert zu Ehren David Bowies – Infos: HERE

Zwei zeitlich begrenzte Pop-Up-Erlebnisse feiern 75 Jahre David Bowie

Auch knapp sechs Jahre nach seinem Tod ist David Bowie unvergessen. Genres und das Potenzial von Live Performances definierte er für Generationen von Musikliebhabern neu. Am 8. Januar wäre er 75 Jahre alt geworden und zur Feier dessen läutet das David Bowie Estate “Bowie 75” ein, eine einjährige Feier zu Bowies 75. Geburtstag. Los geht es mit der Eröffnung von zwei kuratierten Pop-Up-Shops – einer am Ort der ersten Ziggy Stardust Sichtung und einer in David Bowies Wahlheimat, wo sein letztes Album ★ (ausgesprochen “Blackstar”) entstanden ist.

Die Pop-Up-Shops sind nur für eine sehr limitierte Zeit zu sehen: Vom 25. Oktober bis Ende Januar 2022 öffnen sie in der Heddon Street 14 – jener Londoner Location, wo das Cover für „The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars“ aufgenommen wurde – und in der Wooster Street 150, nur wenige Schritte von Bowies Langzeit-Wohnort in Downtown New York entfernt. Sie bieten Besuchern einen einzigartigen karriereübergreifenden Einblick in den Sound und die Vision von David Bowie, unter anderem mit Features wie: Immersive Audio- und HD Video Screening Räume in Partnerschaft mit 360 Reality Audio, ein immersives Musikerlebnis, das Sonys Spatial Sound Technologien nutzt. Mit Musik in 360 Reality Audio haben Fans in den Bowie 75 Locations die exklusive Möglichkeit, Bowie-Inhalte zum ersten Mal in eindringlichem Audio zu sehen und zu hören.

  • Stundenlange Videoinhalte, darunter bisher unveröffentlichtes Behind-The-Scenes-Material, seltenes Filmmaterial aus der Heathen- und Reality Ära und mehr
  • Möglichkeit zum Erwerb von exklusiver, limitierter Bowie-Kleidung und Sammlerstücken, sowie limitierten Auflagen von LPs und CDs, sowohl aus dem Warner/Parlophone als auch dem Sony Katalog
  • Exklusive Kunstfotografie einschließlich Galerie-Installationen, die Bowies viele ikonische Epochen, Persönlichkeiten und Veränderungen dokumentieren
  • Events mit besonderen Gästen werden noch bekanntgegeben
  • Fans können sich in ikonische Outfits und Settings platzieren, um lustige Social-Media-Momente zu schaffen
  • Und vieles mehr

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