KW-19-2021: #DavidBOWIE_and_LeonardCOHEN – Exponate (s)einer Ausstellung , so der Titel eines der Kapitel im Buch: Band 5 der „THE COHENPEDIA SERIES : #DavidBOWIE_and_LeonardCOHEN – Foto-Impressionen aus Band 5 der „THE COHENPEDIA SERIES : #David_BOWIE_and_Leonard_COHEN – Begegnungen und Erinnerungen – encounters & memories – Das Buch ist BILINGUAL in Deutsch & English – auch im Buchhandel erhältlich.

Vol. 5 – David BOWIE & Leonard COHEN – Begegnungen und Erinnerungen – encounters & memories,-digitales-archiv-einer-analogen-leidenschaft-zu-leonard-cohen-_arid,5186539.html?reduced=true

KW-19-2021: Doktorabeit über Leonard Cohens Werk von Mgr. Jiří MĚSÍC aus dem Jahre 2020 aus der The Czech Republic auch online zu finden.. Leonard Cohen, The Modern Troubadour . Summary als pdf-download und link zum public-download hier:

Mgr. Jiří MĚSÍC

Doctoral thesis

Leonard Cohen, The Modern Troubadour

Leonard Cohen, The Modern Troubadour
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Palacký University Press
  • ISBN: 978-80-244-5784-0
  • Czech Republic

Zusammenfassung/ Abstract:

This dissertation thesis arose from thinking about literary tradition as described by the Anglo-American modernists Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot. In their view, the tradition of European love-lyrics crystallised in the work of the medieval Occitan troubadours who were influenced by the cultural and political milieu of the contemporary Occitanie and whose work reflected the religious influences of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The main subject of their poetry was the worship of the divinised feminine character resembling the Christian Virgin Mary, Gnostic Sophia or the ancient Mother Goddess. In the course of his career, Leonard Cohen has revealed erudition in medieval poetry and religion and a penchant for modernist thinking. Moreover, his work shows many parallels with the work of his Occitan predecessors. The thesis deals with comparison of texts and motifs present in their works with references to religion and mysticism.

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KW-19-2021: “I don’t feel any compulsion just to stand under the spotlight night after night unless I have something to say“ – Leonard Cohen

When I`ve found that on Youtube, I ve thought it should be saved: somewrote: i just discovered this while looking for the link to the interview. kathleen kendel…the interviewer, was my mother…she would have been 69 years old today 1-31-17. im glad i found this.“ This one wrotes 3 years ago, so today, she should be 73…Me, I am glad, that I ve found it too….. Worth to listen….

KW-19-2021: #DavidBOWIE_and_LeonardCOHEN – Exponate (s)einer Ausstellung , so der Titel eines der Kapitel im Buch: Band 5 der „THE COHENPEDIA SERIES : #DavidBOWIE_and_LeonardCOHEN – Foto-Impressionen aus Band 5 der „THE COHENPEDIA SERIES : #David_BOWIE_and_Leonard_COHEN – Begegnungen und Erinnerungen – encounters & memories – Das Buch ist BILINGUAL in Deutsch & English – auch im Buchhandel erhältlich.

Vol. 5 – David BOWIE & Leonard COHEN – Begegnungen und Erinnerungen – encounters & memories