KW-04-2024: Vom 22. bis 28. Januar 2024 findet in Saarbrücken das 45. Max OPhüls-Film-Festival statt.

EXKURS: Der Max Ophüls Preis

Das Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis zählt seit 1980 zu den wichtigsten Filmfestivals für den deutschsprachigen Nachwuchsfilm. Seinen Namen verdankt das Festival dem gebürtigen Saarbrücker Theater- und Filmregisseur Max Ophüls (1902­–1957). Bei dem Festival vom 22. bis 28. Januar 2024 sind zahlreiche weitere Preise vergeben worden, unter anderem der Preis für den besten Spielfilm, die beste Regie oder das beste Drehbuch.

KW-04-2024: „She´s crazy like a fool!“, so der Songauftakt im Hit „Daddy Cool“ von Boney M. Am 23. Januar 2024 ist der Erfinder von Boney M. und so vielen anderen Hits und Bands, Frank Farian, Jahrgang 1941, aus dem Saarland in Miami/ Florida/ USA verstorben. Er hat Popgeschichte geschrieben.

Ein Film von Roland Helm


KW-03-2024: unanswered question (3/24): By which artist Leonard Cohen was influenced? It was Federico Garcia Lorca……Leonard Cohen honoured him with the Song „Take This Waltz“. First published in 1986 on „Poets In New York“. Then published again in 1987 on the „I`m Your Man“-Album.

Promotional video clip for tribute LP „Poets In New York“ (1986). Leonard Cohen performs Take This Waltz, his song based on his own translation of Garcia Lorca’s Pequeño vals vienés. The The video was filmed in Spain, in the city of Granada, famous for the Alhambra Castle. Leonard Cohen is shown in the house of Federico Garcia Lorca. 6 min, color.“ Note: This is 1986 version of the song, produced for the Spanish tribute album „Poets In New York“. Later, Cohen released the same track on his 1988 album I’m Your Man, adding Raffi Hakopian’s violin and Jennifer Warnes‘ vocals in overlayers. So don’t be disappointed, if you don’t hear Warnes‘ duetting on some verses and no violin at all. According to some sources, this wasn’t real video clip, but promotional clip which originally was the part of TV programme accompanying „Poets in New York“ LP. Strangely enough, there’s another version at YouTube, recorded from TV Espana, two minutes longer, re-edited and re-cut – some extra shots show Cohen playing the piano, walking through Garcia Lorca’s house museum etc.  This version is 4 minutes, while some internet sources says it should be six minutes. Nevertheless, this version is obviously also complete clip, which is from a press kit, sent by the record company to journalists, those days.




KW-03-2024: Leonard Cohen and Federico Garcia Lorca: “ Lorca hat mich eingeladen, in seiner Welt zu leben. Er war der erste Poet, der mich wirklich berührte. Er hat mir eine Stimme gegeben oder mir geholfen, eine Stimme zu finden. Mit Lorca bin ich zu mir selbst gekommen.“ (LEONARD COHEN)

Federico García Lorca (* 5. Juni 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros, Provinz Granada; † 19. August 1936 in Víznar nahe Granada), war ein spanischer Lyriker und Dramatiker. Er gehört zu den führenden Gestalten der Generación del 27, zu der Dichter wie Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, Rafael Alberti, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén oder Gerardo Diego zählen. Zusammen mit Ramón del Valle-Inclán erneuerte er das spanische Theater, das in spätromantischen Formeln und in einem flachen Naturalismus erstarrt war.

More Infos about Leonard Cohen and Federico Garcia Lorca :

Finding duende: Leonard Cohen and Federico García Lorca

Wie Leonard Cohen seine Stimme findet

‚I was born with the gift of the golden voice‘: The influence of Federico García Lorca and the duende on the poetry and songs of Leonard Cohen

KW-03-2024: Durch London spazierend, nach speziellen „Cohen Places“ suchend….Walking through London, visiting one of those Cohen Places worth to visit: KING WILLIAM IV – Pub in Hampsted/ London/ UK.

Walking through London, visiting one Of those Cohen Places worth to visit: KING WILLIAM IV – Pub in Hampsted/ London/ UK.

The pub near Leonard Cohen’s accommodation in London, when he lived for about three months in the winter of 1959/1960 in Mrs. Stella Pullman’s boarding house in London/ UK, which was only about 50 meters away. It was in the pub at 77 Hampstead High St, London NW3 1RE where he wrote poetry and received friends from Montreal, such as Nancy Bacal, who came to visit him. The pub still exists today.

Das Pub in der Nähe von Leonard Cohens Unterkunft in London, als er im Winter 1959/ 1960 im gerade mal ca. 50 Meter entfernten Boarding House von Mrs. Stella Pullman für etwa drei Monate wohnte. In dem Pub, in 77 Hampstead High St, London NW3 1RE schrieb er Gedichte und empfing Freunde aus Montreal, wie z.B. Nancy Bacal, die ihn besuchten. Das Pub gibt es heute noch.

KW-02-2024: unanswered questions (2/24) : …By which songs was Leonard Cohen influenced? – An Album from 2010, containing 25 tracks which are said to „illustrate the diverse and often surprising selection of music that has inspired and influenced Leonard Cohen throughout his career“, but there are many more ….

An Album, containing 25 tracks which are said to „illustrate the diverse and often surprising selection of music that has inspired and influenced Leonard Cohen throughout his career“, but there are many more ….

1. Solea Por – Federico Garcia Lorca
2. Careless Love – Josh White (Trad, Arr. Handy, Williams, Koenig)
3. Jezebel – Frankie Laine (Shanklin)
4. Which Side Are You On? – Almanac Singers (Reece)
5. La Complainte Du Partisan (The Partisan) – Anna Marly (Marly, Vigerie)
6. Goodnight Irene – The Weavers (Ledbetter, Lomax)
7. Red River Valley – Gene Autry (Trad)
8. Tennessee Waltz – Les Paul / Mary Ford (King, Stewart)
9. Be My Baby – The Ronettes (Spector, Greenwich, Barry)
10. Just One More – George Jones (Jones)
11. The Great Pretender – The Platters (Ram)
12. Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers (North, Zaret)
13. What’d I Say – Ray Charles (Charles)
14. The Twist – Hank Ballard (Ballard)
15. Supermarket In California – Allen Ginsberg (Ginsberg)
16. Turn! Turn! Turn! – Judy Collins (Seeger, Scripture)
17. Downhearted Blues – Alberta Hunter (Hunter, Austin)
18. Jokerman – Bob Dylan (Dylan)
19. Deadbelly – Jack Kerouac (Kerouac)
20. Charlie Parker – Jack Kerouac (Kerouac)
21. California – Joni Mitchell (Mitchell)
22. Get It While You Can – Janis Joplin (Joplin)
23. Gloomy Sunday – Billie Holiday (Seress, Carter, Lewis, Javor)
24. I Shall Be Released – Joan Baez (Dylan)
25. Your Cheatin Heart – Hank Williams (Williams)

Released by Chrome Dreams,CDCD5035, UK 2010.
Total running time: 73 minutes.