KW-36-2020: today, 50 years ago: #Leonard_Cohen_Live_at_the_Isle_of_Wight_Festival_1970 – Some Infos & Memories (in English & German)

LEONARD COHEN & Das „Isle Of Wight-Festival“


2. Das Isle Of Wight-Festival 1970

2.1.Das Isle Of Wight-Festival-Poster 1970

2.2.Das Isle Of Wight-Festival-Programm 1970

3. Leonard Cohen beim Isle Of Wight-Festival 1970

3.1.Das Album

3.1.1.        Als CD

3.1.2.        Als DVD / BLURAY

3.2.Leonard Cohen`s Band

4. Die Isle Of Wight-Dokumentationen – Messages To Love

4.1. Message To Love

4.2. Isle Of Wight / Atlanta Pop Festival – The First Great Rock Festivals Of The Seventies

5. Die weiteren Isle Of Wight-Festivals 1968, 1969 & 2002 bis 2019

6. Weiterführende Links

7. Weiterführende Literatur



LEONARD COHEN & Das „Isle Of Wight-Festival“

  1. Introduction

Der Festival-Name „Isle of Wight Festival“ erlangte mit drei Rock-Festivals in den Jahren 1968, 1969 und 1970 Weltruhm. Das Festival im Jahre 1970 ist zweifellos das bekannteste und bei weitem das größte der drei Klassiker, sodass seine beiden Vorgänger darüber weitgehend in Vergessenheit gerieten. Es wurde früher auch vielfach als „Europas Woodstock“ oder als „europäisches Woodstock“ bezeichnet. Seit 2002 ging das Festival erneut an den Start. Sie alle fanden auf der, dem britischen Festland südlich vorgelagerten Kanalinsel „Isle of Wight“ statt.

Isle-Of-Wight-Festival-Kulturmarketing-by-Christof_GrafIsle-Of-Wight-Festival-Kulturmarketing-by-Christof_Graf-Seite76Christof Graf: „Kulturmarketing – Open Air und Populäre Musik“, Wiesbaden, 1995

2. Das Isle Of Wight-Festival 1970

Das mit Abstand größte und sicherlich auch chaotischste Isle of Wight Festival war das von 1970. Es fand vom 26. bis zum 30. August auf dem Gelände der East Afton Farm statt und profitierte vermutlich weitgehend von den Informationen über das damals bereits legendäre Woodstock-Festival im Jahr zuvor. Im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde wurde geschätzt, dass zwischen 600.000 und 700.000 Menschen an dem Festival von 1970 teilnahmen. Genaue Zahlen liegen jedoch nicht vor, da das Festival-Gelände so gelegen war, dass auch nicht-zahlende Zuschauer das Musik-Programm von den unmittelbar neben dem durch einen Doppelzaun abgetrennten Areal gelegenen Dünenkämmen aus noch leidlich verfolgen konnten. Trotzdem geht man aufgrund der damals zusätzlich verkauften Fährpassagen zur Kanalinsel davon aus, dass das IoW-Festival 1970 das vielleicht bestbesuchte Festival in der bisherigen Geschichte der Rock-Musik gewesen sein könnte.

Die einzige Band, die vor Ort war, wegen mehrfachen Verzögerungen aber letztendlich nicht auftreten konnte, war Mungo Jerry. Außerhalb des offiziellen Festivals fand eine Alternativ-Veranstaltung mit den Bands Hawkwind und Pink Fairies statt.

2.1.Das Isle Of Wight-Festival-Poster 1970


2.2.Das Isle Of Wight-Festival-Programm 1970

Das offizielle Festival-Programm lautete:

  • 26. August 1970

Judas Jump, Kathy Smith, Rosalie Sorrels, David Bromberg, Redbone, Kris Kristofferson, Mighty Baby

  • 27. August 1970

Gary Farr, Supertramp, Andy Roberts Everyone, Howl, Black Widow, Groundhogs, Terry Reid, Gilberto Gil

  • 28. August 1970

Fairfield Parlour, Arrival, Lighthouse, Taste, Tony Joe White, Chicago, Family, Procol Harum, The Voices of East Harlem, Cactus

  • 29. August 1970

John B. Sebastian, Shawn Phillips, Lighthouse, Joni Mitchell, Tiny Tim, Miles Davis, Ten Years After, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, The Doors, The Who, Sly & the Family Stone, Melanie

  • 30. August 1970

Good News, Kris Kristofferson, Ralph McTell, Heaven, Free, Donovan, Pentangle, The Moody Blues, Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen, Richie Havens

  1. Leonard Cohen beim Isle Of Wight-Festival 1970#

Cohen reluctantly agreed to tour Europe after his second album, Songs From a Room, became a hit in England, reaching #2 on the charts. He was backed by a small country-influenced band called The Army that included guitarist Ron Cornelius and fiddle player Charlie Daniels. The group had been assembled by Cohen’s new producer Bob Johnston, who also assumed keyboard duties. Cohen was scheduled to perform on the last day of the festival and had the unenviable task of following Jimi Hendrix. As can be seen in the footage shot by award-winning director Murray Lerner, the vibes at the festival were not good, with many fans upset that a wall had been erected to keep non-paying fans outside the concert grounds. During Hendrix’s performance, the fiery audience set light to the stage. A shaggy-haired Cohen appeared in the early morning of August 31, 1970 in front of an estimated crowd of at least 600,000. As Kris Kristofferson, who had played his own troubled set earlier, recalls on the Leonard Cohen Live at the Isle of Wight 1970 DVD:

I think it was about four o’clock in the morning they went in and woke him up in his trailer and he took a long time to get out to the stage. Everybody had been sittin‘ there in the filth, in their own squalor – half a million people there – for five days. And Leonard finally came out of his trailer and he was wearing his pyjamas…I never have known why they didn’t just hoot him off the stage like they did with a lot of people, especially me! I can only think that he was such an honest performer and didn’t scramble after anybody’s attention. He took his time gettin‘ out there, he took his time tunin‘ up and he wasn’t intimidated by a half million people who’d been very ugly.

It was very late when Cohen, chin stubbled and now wearing a khaki safari jacket and jeans, finally took the stage. In the liner notes to album, film director Murray Lerner confesses to Sylvie Simmons: „As I watched him walk out there I thought this is going to be a disaster. Because the mood was still very mixed. There was definitely a sense of bad feeling, though there was also a sense of people being tired and not so aggressive as earlier. But Cohen was essentially acoustic, just as Kristofferson was, and I thought the crowd would be expecting a bigger high in terms of the sound of the music. I worried that what happened to Kristofferson would happen to him.“ After glaring out at the darkness and strapping on his guitar, Cohen began by telling a story about his father taking him to the circus when he was a boy. Leonard didn’t much like the circus, he told them sedately, but he had enjoyed the part when a man would ask everyone in the audience to light a match. He then asked the audience to do the same so he could see where they were. Almost from the moment he began speaking, the mood of the crowd changed, and when he began singing – starting with „Bird on the Wire“ – many of them became transfixed. Kristofferson later commented to Cohen biographer Ira Nadel in the 1996 book Various Positions: A Life of Leonard Cohen that the Canadian singer „did the damndest thing you ever saw: he Charmed the Beast. A lone sorrowful voice did what some of the best rockers in the world had tried for three days and failed.“

Most of the songs that Cohen performs are from his first two albums, Songs of Leonard Cohen and Songs From a Room, although three songs – „Diamonds in the Mine,“ „Famous Blue Raincoat“ and „Sing Another Song, Boys“ would appear on his next studio album Songs of Love and Hate in 1971, with the latter being culled directly from the Isle of Wight appearance. Cohen also speaks about the origins of some of the songs, revealing to the crowd that he’d written „One of Us Cannot Be Wrong“ in a peeling room in the Chelsea Hotel when he was „coming off amphetamine and pursuing a blond lady that I met in a Nazi poster.“ He also dedicated „Seems So Long Ago, Nancy“ to the woman he knew who in 1961, „went into the bathroom and blew her head off with her brother’s shotgun. She was right where you are now.“ Lerner, whose footage of the 1970 festival did not begin to see release until 1995, was able to capture Cohen’s performance and the serene, somewhat mesmerized demeanor of the spectators. Kristofferson, Joan Baez and Judy Collins watched Cohen’s set from the side of the stage and can be seen clapping and singing along to the song „Tonight WIll Be Fine.“

3.1.Das AlbumIsle-Of-Wight-1970leonardcohenlive3.1.1.        Als CD/ LP

The Songs (audio CD and 2LP)

  1. Introduction
  2. „Bird on the Wire“
  3. Intro to So Long, Marianne
  4. „So Long, Marianne“
  5. Intro: „Let’s renew ourselves now…“
  6. „You Know Who I Am“
  7. Intro to Poems
  8. „Lady Midnight“
  9. „They Locked Up a Man (poem) / A Person Who Eats Meat / Intro“
  10. „One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong“
  11. „The Stranger Song“
  12. „Tonight Will Be Fine“
  13. „Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye“
  14. „Diamonds In The Mine“
  15. „Suzanne“
  16. „Sing Another Song, Boys“
  17. „The Partisan“
  18. „Famous Blue Raincoat“

19. „Seems So Long Ago, Nancy“


3.1.2.        Als DVD / BLURAY

The Songs (DVD and Blu-ray)

  1. „Intro: Diamonds In The Mine“
  2. „Famous Blue Raincoat“
  3. “It’s A Large Nation”
  4. „Bird On The Wire“
  5. „One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong“
  6. „The Stranger Song“
  7. „Tonight Will Be Fine“
  8. “They’ve Surrounded The Island”
  9. „Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye“
  10. „Sing Another Song Boys“
  11. Judy Collins Introduces Suzanne“
  12. „Suzanne“
  13. Joan Baez On The Isle Of Wight“
  14. „The Partisan“
  15. „Seems So Long Ago, Nancy“
  16. Credits: So Long, Marianne
  17. Bonus Interviews: Bob Johnston, Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Kris Kristofferson.

New film by Academy Award-winning director. The film features the breathtaking performance by Cohen, interviews with fellow musicians, as well as a look at the sometimes-hostile and often-profound atmosphere of the weekend-long festival for 600,000.

3.2.Leonard Cohen`s Band

4. Die Isle Of Wight-Dokumentationen – Messages To Love

4.1. Message To Love


4.2. Isle Of Wight / Atlanta Pop Festival – The First Great Rock Festivals Of The Seventies

Isle-Of-Wight-1970b-atlantaDie Innenseite


5.Die weiteren Isle Of Wight-Festivals 1968, 1969 sowie 2002 bis 2017

Isle of Wight Festival 1968

Das erste Isle of Wight Festival mit etwa 20.000 Besuchern fand vom 31. August bis zum 1. September 1968 auf dem Hell Field der Ford Farm bei Godshill auf der Isle of Wight statt. Die Attraktionen waren:

Isle of Wight Festival 1969

Das zweite Isle of Wight Festival, am 30. und 31. August 1969, war bereits wesentlich größer als sein Vorgänger. Die Besucherzahl wird mit annähernd 150.000 angegeben. Die Liste der Bands und Künstler (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) ist auch heute noch beeindruckend:

Isle of Wight Festival 1970

Das mit Abstand größte und sicherlich auch chaotischste Isle of Wight Festival war das von 1970. Es fand vom 26. bis zum 30. August auf dem Gelände der East Afton Farm statt und profitierte vermutlich weitgehend von den Informationen über das damals bereits legendäre Woodstock-Festival im Jahr zuvor. Im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde wurde geschätzt, dass zwischen 600.000 und 700.000 Menschen an dem Festival von 1970 teilnahmen. Genaue Zahlen liegen jedoch nicht vor, da das Festival-Gelände so gelegen war, dass auch nicht-zahlende Zuschauer das Musik-Programm von den unmittelbar neben dem durch einen Doppelzaun abgetrennten Areal gelegenen Dünenkämmen aus noch leidlich verfolgen konnten. Trotzdem geht man aufgrund der damals zusätzlich verkauften Fährpassagen zur Kanalinsel davon aus, dass das IoW-Festival 1970 das vielleicht bestbesuchte Festival in der bisherigen Geschichte der Rock-Musik gewesen sein könnte.

Die einzige Band, die vor Ort war, wegen mehrfachen Verzögerungen aber letztendlich nicht auftreten konnte, war Mungo Jerry. Außerhalb des offiziellen Festivals fand eine Alternativ-Veranstaltung mit den Bands Hawkwind und Pink Fairies statt.

Das offizielle Festival-Programm lautete:

  • 26. August 1970

Judas Jump, Kathy Smith, Rosalie Sorrels, David Bromberg, Redbone, Kris Kristofferson, Mighty Baby

  • 27. August 1970

Gary Farr, Supertramp, Andy Roberts Everyone, Howl, Black Widow, Groundhogs, Terry Reid, Gilberto Gil

  • 28. August 1970

Fairfield Parlour, Arrival, Lighthouse, Taste, Tony Joe White, Chicago, Family, Procol Harum, The Voices of East Harlem, Cactus

  • 29. August 1970

John B. Sebastian, Shawn Phillips, Lighthouse, Joni Mitchell, Tiny Tim, Miles Davis, Ten Years After, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, The Doors, The Who, Sly & the Family Stone, Melanie

  • 30. August 1970

Good News, Kris Kristofferson, Ralph McTell, Heaven, Free, Donovan, Pentangle, The Moody Blues, Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen, Richie Havens

Isle of Wight (Rock Island) Festival 2002

Nach 32 Jahren Pause wurde das Isle of Wight Festival im Jahre 2002 wiederbelebt, zunächst noch unter dem Namen Rock Island. Es findet mittlerweile im Seaclose Park außerhalb von Newport statt. Das jetzige Festivalgelände hat nichts mehr mit den ehemaligen Geländen zu tun.

  • 3. Juni 2002:

The Charlatans, Robert Plant (Strange Sensation), Ash, Starsailor, Hundred Reasons, The Coral, The Bees, Johnny 4, DNA Doll

Besucherzahl: 35.000

Isle of Wight Festival 2003

  • 14. Juni 2003:

Paul Weller, Iggy Pop, The Thrills, John Squire, The Cooper Temple Clause, Starsailor, The Burn

  • 15. Juni 2003:

Bryan Adams, Jimmy’s Big Fish, The Raveonettes, Hell Is for Heroes, The Darkness, Counting Crows, The Basement

Besucherzahl: 35.000

Isle of Wight Festival 2004

  • 11. Juni 2004:

The Duke Spirit, Gruff, Groove Armada, Super Furry Animals, Stereophonics, 22-20s

  • 12. Juni 2004:

The Who, Steve Harley, Manic Street Preachers, Roger Daltrey, The Electric Soft Parade, Jet, British Sea Power, The Stands, Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel, Hawksley Workman, The Leah Wood Group, Meninos

  • 13. Juni 2004:

The Charlatans, Suzanne Vega, The Delays, David Bowie, The Libertines, Snow Patrol, Alfie Jerry Fish & the Mudbug Club, Countermine, Meninos

Besucherzahl: 35.000

Isle of Wight Festival 2005

  • 10. Juni 2005:

Faithless, Razorlight, Supergrass, Idlewild, The Black Velvets, The Mighty Roars, Gilles Peterson, Earl Zinger, Bugz in the Attic, Unabombers, The Strongbow Rooms, The Bees, Max Sedgley, Rob Da Bank

  • 11. Juni 2005:

Travis, Roxy Music, Feeder, Goldie Lookin Chain, Babyshambles, Ray Davies, Nine Black Alps, Tara Blaise, Jackson Analogue, Jacques Lu Cont, Rob N Tug, Greg Wilson, Sean Rowley, Trojan Sound System, Nuphonic DJs, Yousef, The Glimmer, Kid Carpet, Annie Mac, Rob Da Bank, Kris Bones

  • 12. Juni 2005:

R.E.M., Snow Patrol, Embrace, Starsailor, The Magic Numbers, The Subways, Caravan, Countermine, Kate Aumonier, Norman Jay, Rob N Tug, Greg Wilson, Sean Rowley, Trojan Sound System, Nuphonic DJs, Mutiny, Justin Robertson, Barry Ashworth (Dub Pistols), Bent, Radioslave, Kris Bones

Besucherzahl: 50.000

Isle of Wight Festival 2006

  • 9. Juni 2006:

The Prodigy, Placebo, Goldfrapp, The Rakes, Morning Runner

  • 10. Juni 2006:

Foo Fighters, Primal Scream, Editors, Dirty Pretty Things, The Kooks, The Proclaimers, The Upper Room, Suzanne Vega, 747s, The On Offs

  • 11. Juni 2006:

Coldplay, Richard Ashcroft, Lou Reed, Maxïmo Park, Kubb, Procol Harum, Marjorie Fair, CatHead, Skyline Heroes

Besucherzahl: 60.000

Isle of Wight Festival 2007

  • 8. Juni 2007:

Snow Patrol, Groove Armada, The Feeling, Echo & the Bunnymen, KOOPA

  • 9. Juni 2007:

Muse, Kasabian, Ash, Wolfmother, Amy Winehouse, Arno Carstens, Carbon Silicon

  • 10. Juni 2007:

Rolling Stones, Keane, The Fratellis, Paolo Nutini, James Morrison, Melanie C, Country Joe McDonald, The Hedrons

Isle of Wight Festival 2008

Amy Macdonald, Andy LoRusso, Arno Carstens, Bjorn Again, Black Stone Cherry, Curved Air, David A. Stewart, Delays, DJ Rusty Egan, Feeder, Florence k, Gundogs, Gweido, Joanne Hogg, Ian Brown, Ida Maria, Iggy & the Stooges, Jackson Analogue, James, Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong, Kaiser Chiefs, Kate Nash, Kosmik Debris, KT Tunstall, Laura Critchley, Liam Gerner, N.E.R.D, New Young Pony Club, Newton Faulkner, One Night Only, Paul ‚Spot‘ Newsome, Proximity Effect, Scars on 45, Scouting for Girls, Sex Pistols, Sondura, Sophie Delilah, Starsailor, Stone Gods, Sugababes, Suspiciously Elvis, The Answer, The Arcadian Kicks, The Australian Pink Floyd Show, The Cribs, The Duke Spirit, The Enemy, The Hoosiers, The Kooks, The Music, The Police, The Stranglers, The Wombats, The Zutons, We See Lights, Wills & The Willing

Isle of Wight Festival 2009

Alesha Dixon, Arno Carstens, Bananarama, Basement Jaxx, Beverley Knight, Black Lips, Calvin Harris, Dance for Burgess, Deborah Hodgson, DJ Rusty Egan, Eddi Reader, Florence Rawlings, Goldie Lookin Chain, Gweido, Hatcham Social, Iglu & Hartly, Jessie Evans, Killing Joke, Ladyhawke, Majortones, Maxïmo Park, McFly, Mercury Rev, Neil Young, Noisettes, Papa Do Plenty, Pendulum, Pixie Lott, Pixies, Poppy and the Jezebels, Razorlight, S.C.U.M, Sharon Corr, Simple Minds, Sneaky Sound System, Stereophonics, The Arcadian Kicks, The Australian Pink Floyd Show, The Brilliant Things, The Charlatans, The Complete Stone Roses, The Horrors, The Human League, The Maccabees, The Magnets, The Operators, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, The Pigeon Detectives, The Prodigy, The Rakes, The Rifles, The Rumble Strips, The Script, The She Set, The Ting Tings, The View, The Yeah You’s, The Zombies, Tim Burgess and Rhys Webb, Ultravox, White Lies, Will Young

Isle of Wight Festival 2010

Arno Carstens, Biffy Clyro, Blondie, Bombay Bicycle Club, Calvin Harris, Crowded House, Daisy Dares You, Detroit Social Club, Devendra Banhart, DJ Rusty Egan, Doves, Editors, Florence + the Machine, Friendly Fires, Hockey, I Blame Coco, James, Jay Z, Juliette Lewis, La Roux, Little Boots, Local Natives, Marina and the Diamonds, Melanie, Mr Hudson, N-Dubz, Noah and the Whale, O.A.R, Ocean Colour Scene, Orbital, Paloma Faith, Paper Romance, Paul McCartney, Pink, Reef, Saint Jude, Semi Precious Weapons, Shakespears Sister, Spandau Ballet, Squeeze, Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel, Suzanne Vega, Suzi Quatro, The Alarm, The Arcadian Kicks, The Big Pink, The Bluebyrds, The Brilliant Things, The Coronas, The Courteeners, The Hold Steady, The Members, The Saturdays, The Strokes, Vampire Weekend, Waterburner, Wonderland

Isle of Wight Festival 2011

  • 10. Juni 2011:

Kings of Leon, Kaiser Chiefs, The Courteeners, Band of Horses, We Are Scientists, Big Country

  • 11. Juni 2011:

Foo Fighters, Pulp, Iggy and the Stooges, Seasick Steve, Mike & the Mechanics, Hurts, Stornoway, Lissie, the Vecks

  • 12. Juni 2011:

Kasabian, Beady Eye, The Script, Plan B, Pixie Lott, Two Door Cinema Club, James Walsh, Stu Collins, Jeff Beck


Isle of Wight Festival 2015

  • Kool and the Gang
  • James
  • Imelda May
  • Paul Oakenfold
  • Ash
  • Courteeners
  • Suzanne Vega
  • Foxes
  • Lightning Seeds
  • Sharon Corr
  • The View
  • UB40’s Ali Campbell, Astro and Mickey Virtue
  • Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band
  • Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson
  • La Femme
  • Groove Armada (DJ Set)
  • Visconti and Woodmansey
  • Ruen Brothers
  • Chickson Speed
  • Coasts
  • Pretty Vicious
  • Ben Montague
  • Bethia Beadman
  • Claydon Connor
  • The Carnabys
  • Germein Sisters
  • Little Eye
  • Honey Ryder
  • The High Kings
  • King Eider
  • Pronghorn
  • James Walsh
  • Tim Arnold
  • James Bay
  • The Charlatans
  • The Shires
  • Stiff Little Fingers
  • Larkin Poe
  • Sunset Sons

Lineup rumours for Isle of Wight Festival 2015

All the headliners have now been announced, so we don’t think any more of our rumours are likely to happen. Pleased to say that we got Fleetwood Mac and Blur right this year from our short list of possible headliners.Just for interest, we’ll leave the previous rumours up on the site for the time being:

  • Blur (now confirmed)
  • Prince
  • Arctic Monkeys
  • Muse
  • Coldplay
  • Spandau Ballet



Isle of Wight Festival 2016

Vom 9. bis 12. Juni fand das Isle of Wight Festival 2016 auf der gleichnamigen britischen Kanalinsel statt.  Mit dabei sind:

Iggy Pop Queen + Adam Lambert The Who
Adam Ant Alabama 3 Andrea Riso Apollo Junction Bang Bang Romeo Ben Montague Blossoms Busted Buzzcocks Cast Daughters Of Davis Ellie Rose Everything Everything Faithless Feeder Gabrielle Aplin Germein Sisters Gutterdämmerung Half Moon Run Ilona James Walsh Jess Glynne Joanne Shaw Taylor Kerri Watt King Eider Laura Jeanne Laurence Fox Lissie Little Eye Lucy May Mike + The Mechanics Monroe My Girl The River Ocean Colour Scene Our Cousin Paula Paves Pendulum Pronghorn Reef Reverend And The Makers Richard Ashcroft Scaffolder Sigma Simon Townshend Sixx:A.M. Sleeping Gun Sound Of The Sirens Status Quo Steph Willis Stereophonics Sunset Sons The Carnabys The Corrs The Cribs The Damned The Family Rain The Godfathers The High Kings The High Kings The Kills The Lounge Kittens The Novatones The River 68’s The Second Sons The Secons Sons The Severs The Sex Pissed Dolls The Sex Pissed Dolls The Wonder Stuff Tim Arnold Tom Figgins Turin Brakes Turrentine Jones Twin Atlantic


Isle of Wight Festival 2017


Confirmed lineup for Isle of Wight Festival 2017

Thursday night

  • Razorlight
  • Starsailor
  • The Alarm
  • The Sex Pissed Dolls


  • Run DMC (Friday co-headliner)
  • DJ David Guetta (Friday co-headliner)
  • Kaiser Chiefs
  • Rag N Bone Man
  • The Pretenders
  • Jonas Blue (DJ Set)
  • Nothing But Thieves
  • Alison Moyet
  • Ward Thomas
  • Lucy Spraggan
  • Paradisia


  • Arcade Fire (Saturday headliner)
  • Catfish and the Bottlemen
  • Example+DJ Wire
  • The Kooks
  • Zara Larsson
  • Texas
  • Jack Savoretti
  • Melanie C
  • Tom Chaplin
  • The Slow Readers Club
  • Space
  • The Showshank Duo
  • Elle Exxe
  • Bang Bang Romeo
  • Alex Francis
  • The Germein Sisters
  • Victoria
  • The Novatones
  • The Second Sons


  • Rod Stewart (Sunday headliner)
  • Bastille
  • George Era
  • Clean Bandit
  • Imelda May
  • The Shires
  • The Vamps
  • Scouting for Girls
  • The Strypes
  • The Undertones
  • The Sherlocks
  • The Amazons
  • Judas
  • Wild Front
Isle of Wight Festival 2018

Isle of Wight Festival 2019

2020: Due to Corona there was noch Isle Of Wight Festival in 2020



6. Links

Much more Links:

7. Weiterführende Literatur

KW-37-2020: 50 summers ago … 50 Sommer her … #Leonard_Cohen Live #Isle_Of_Wight_Festival

All Infos here:

KW-24-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 53/ 82) by KRIS KRISTOFFERSON – „The Isle Of Wight – Festival 2017″ – After … Es gibt kaum ein Mega-Festival, auf dem Leonard Cohen wie gesagt nicht gespielt hat. Ebenso auch beim sogenannten europäischen Woodstock, beim legendären Isle Of Wight-Festival 1970. Drei Festivaljahre gab es damals. Nach 1968 und 1969 wurde das 1970 das am berühmteste. Danach fnad es bis 2002 nicht mehr statt. Gestern wurde die 2017er-Auflage mit Rod Stewart und The Who beendet.“ In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories

KW-36-2020: Nach wievor erhältlich: REPRINTED & EXPANDED – Out Now/ Soeben erschienen: Vol. 4 of : Leonard Cohen-Lexikon: Un Hommage – REPRINTED & EXPANDED. „ZEN & POESIE Vol. 4“ – The Cohenpedia-Series: Das lange vergriffene Buch „Un Hommage“ von 1996 wurde nochmal nachgedruckt (REPRINTED) und um einige Texte sowie um viele Fotos und um ein Interview (zwischen #THE_SISTERS_OF_MERCY – Band-Gründer #Andrew_Eldritch & Leonard Cohen) ergänzt (EXPANDED). The long out of print book „Un Hommage“ from 1996 was reprinted (REPRINTED) and some texts as well as many photos and an interview (between THE SISTERS OF MERCY band founders Andrew Elritch & Leonard Cohen) were added (EXPANDED). It`s partially bilingual in German/ French & English

1. via AMAZON:

2. via MAIL:

KW-36-2020: #breaking news: Die Veröffentlichung des angekündigten LC-Boxset wird wegen Corona auf das Jahr 2021 verschoben.

Anfang August angekündigt, Ende August bereits verschoben:  Die Veröffentlichung des angekündigten LC-Boxset wird wegen Corona auf das Jahr 2021 verschoben.

We are sorry to report that due to production issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Montreal Leonard Cohen Memorial Events Box Set can’t be guaranteed for delivery by the holiday season. Consequently, refunds are being issued to those people who purchased the Box Set. We are told that the Foundation is planning to relaunch the Box Set with ample time in 2021.
We suggest you take down your web posts devoted to the box set or, alternatively, simply post the paragraph below on your site.

So here is the mentioned paragraph:
From the Unified Heart Productions Foundation: „Due to production issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to guarantee delivery of the Montreal Leonard Cohen Memorial Events Box Set by the holiday season this year. We are planning to relaunch the Box Set with ample time in 2021. Please subscribe to our mailing list on our website to be notified when the Box Set becomes available for purchase again:

KW-35-2020: REPRINTED & EXPANDED – Out Now/ Soeben erschienen: Vol. 4 of : Leonard Cohen-Lexikon: Un Hommage – REPRINTED & EXPANDED. „ZEN & POESIE Vol. 4“ – The Cohenpedia-Series: Das lange vergriffene Buch „Un Hommage“ von 1996 wurde nochmal nachgedruckt (REPRINTED) und um einige Texte sowie um viele Fotos und um ein Interview (zwischen #THE_SISTERS_OF_MERCY – Band-Gründer #Andrew_Eldritch & Leonard Cohen) ergänzt (EXPANDED). The long out of print book „Un Hommage“ from 1996 was reprinted (REPRINTED) and some texts as well as many photos and an interview (between THE SISTERS OF MERCY band founders Andrew Elritch & Leonard Cohen) were added (EXPANDED). It`s partially bilingual in German/ French & English


Vol. 4 – ZEN & POESIE – Das Leonard Cohen – Lexikon – The Cohenpedia Series Vol. 4: LEONARD COHEN – UN HOMMAGE – REPRINTED & EXPANDED – (bilingual: Deutsch/ Francais/ English) – OUT NOW: 08/2020

REPRINTED bedeutet / means:

Das lange vergriffene Buch „Un Hommage“ von 1996 wurde nochmal nachgedruckt (REPRINTED) und um einige Texte sowie um viele Fotos und um ein Interview (zwischen THE SISTERS OF MERCY-Band-Gründer Andrew Elritch & Leonard Cohen) ergänzt (EXPANDED).

The long out of print book „Un Hommage“ from 1996 was reprinted (REPRINTED) and some texts as well as many photos and an interview (between THE SISTERS OF MERCY band founders Andrew Elritch & Leonard Cohen) were added (EXPANDED).

It`s partially bilingual in German/ French & English


KW-35-2020: REPRINTED & EXPANDED – Out Now/ Soeben erschienen: Vol. 4 of : Leonard Cohen-Lexikon: Un Hommage – REPRINTED & EXPANDED. „ZEN & POESIE Vol. 4“ – The Cohenpedia-Series: Das lange vergriffene Buch „Un Hommage“ von 1996 wurde nochmal nachgedruckt (REPRINTED) und um einige Texte sowie um viele Fotos und um ein Interview (zwischen #THE_SISTERS_OF_MERCY – Band-Gründer #Andrew_Eldritch & Leonard Cohen) ergänzt (EXPANDED). The long out of print book „Un Hommage“ from 1996 was reprinted (REPRINTED) and some texts as well as many photos and an interview (between THE SISTERS OF MERCY band founders Andrew Elritch & Leonard Cohen) were added (EXPANDED). It`s partially bilingual in German/ French & English