KW-44-2018: – ein ganz lieber kollege stellt leider heute seine wunderschöne, kreative, intelligent gemachte leonardcohen-website ein. Ein Verlust . Allan Showalter, ich wünsche Dir alles Beste.

ein ganz lieber kollege stellt leider heute seine wunderschöne, kreative, intelligent gemachte leonardcohen-website ein.


This is the final Cohencentric post. It’s been a privilege to have shared Leonard Cohen’s life and work with so many readers.

So Long, Cohencentric – The Last Dance


Cohencentric: Nov 2, 2018

Since March 7, 2015, over 7,700 posts chock-full of information, photos, videos, animations,audio recordings, and humor have been published on Cohencentric. That’s an average of 5.7 posts added to the site each day 365 days a year, including holidays, periods of illness, and moments of lassitude. Not so shabby. And in that time, Cohencentric has accumulated nearly five million (4,899,569, last I checked) hits (i.e., unique views). Definitely not shabby.

Die Gründe? Bereits am 23. Juni kündigte Allan das Schließen der website an:

Cohencentric: Leonard Cohen Considered – The Farewell Tour


I Did My Best, It Wasn’t Much

After posting about Leonard Cohen for more than a decade, thus achieving my goal of creating the Internet’s most devoutly irreverent, delightfully droll, and distinctively offbeat Leonard Cohen site administered by a deeply superficial, nonpracticing agnostic hard-core dilettante, I am announcing my impending abdication.

Farewell Tour?

Well, the notion of producing a Cohencentric Farewell Tour seemed less rude – and a lot more fun – than precipitously deleting the site from the Interwebs. In addition, I’ve committed to a handful of projects that aren’t yet ready to publish, and my contract with the company hosting this site doesn’t terminate until later this year. Also, the essential and gratifying obligation of acknowledging the multitude of friends, photographers, writers, collectors, and fans who have generously contributed to Cohencentric’s success will require time. Accordingly, Cohencentric will be online until this Fall, and, until then,

We’ll give you everything we got

Why Stop Now?

More than once over the years, I’ve been so disenchanted that I decided to terminate my site (why pay $2000 a year to be abused – and not in the fun way?), only to be seduced into continuing by Leonard’s words to me, delivered in person or by email. (No, I don’t believe Leonard intentionally lured me into staying the course; it just turned out that way.) Given that I will never again hear from the man who was my audience of one, persevering has become even more difficult.

Now, anyone who knows me won’t be surprised to find that I have maintained an incredibly detailed list of grievances that led to this final determination to skip off the stage, but, heck, as Leonard observed,

Nothing in this human realm is meant to work. So once you can deeply appreciate that…the mind of compassion grows if you understand that everybody’s up against it.1

OK, OK, I’m still working on that mind of compassion thing.

Truth is, I can’t complain. The way things work is that no one was obligated to praise, applaud, or pay for my efforts. And, there have been lots of folks who have liked my stuff and have been gracious enough to say so.

What Now?

Other than Cohencentric’s publishing schedule becoming less consistent/obsessive and the reposting – for the last time – of some of Cohencentric’s Greatest Hits, little will change during the final phase of this site’s existence. So, those of you who are fans can continue to enjoy Cohencentric for a while; and, the rest of you can look forward to the time when Cohencentric is no more. Everybody wins.

What Next?

Well, “announcing my impending abdication” isn’t the same as “announcing my impending retirement.” I will be embarking on a new quest after the first of the year. But, more about that later.
