KW-33-2019: Why Leonard Cohen was not in Woodstock 1969

War nicht beim Woodstock – Festival dabei, obwohl er gut in Film & Soundtrack gepasst hätte: Leonard Cohen

10 Gründe,

warum Leonard Cohen beim Woodstock-Festival 1969 nicht auftrat

von Christof Graf


“Er hätte gut nach Woodstock gepasst”, sagt Woodstock-Photograph Elliott Landy

“Leonard Cohen had his own style. He brought a new way into music. He brought poetry into music, like Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, The Doors or Van Morrison did. He was singing talking, and not just singing with a melodious voice. He would have been a good fit to the Woodstock Festival. The universe is very connected. Living life is a lot of connection.With his writing he brought a beautiful poetry into music and did a new way of music. All the great artist were able to create something completely new. He was an unique artist“, said Woodstock-Photographer Elliot Landy im Gespräch bei seiner Ausstellungseröffnung „Woodstock Vision“ am 7.8.2919 in Karlsruhe/ Germany. Leonard Cohen trat aber nicht in Woodstock auf. Womögliche Gründe ?


  1. Er war nicht eingeladen worden
  2. Er befand sich noch immer in seiner „schüchteren“ Phase und fühlte sich bei Live-Auftritten und vor Massen nicht wohl.
  3. Er lernte die Frau kennen, die ihn zum Familienvater werden ließ: Suzanne Elrod
  4. Er lernte den Mann kennen, der ihn zum Mönch machte: Zen-Meister Joshu Sasaki Roshi
  5. Er war auf dem Weg nach Nashville?
  6. Er hielt sich in New York City auf und checkte im Chelsea Hotel ein
  7. Im Juni 1969 reiste Leonard Cohen nach Italien, um zu eruieren, ob er zu dem Film über das Leben des heiligen Franz von Assisi, den Soundtrack spielen sollte. Donavan bekam aber den Job und Leonard reiste weiter nach Griechenland. Suzanne reiste ihm nach und blieb mit ihm auf Hydra. – Ein weiterer Hinweis dafür, daß Cohen an den Tagen von Woodstock (15.-18. August 1969) auf Hydra war, ist ein Hinweis, den Cohen einmal in einem Interview erwähnte: Suzanne und mich erreichte die Nachrricht, daß Charmian Clift gestorben sein auf Hydra. Charman Clift , der australische Schriftsteller verstarb am 8. July 1969.
  8. “Woodstock” war das Fest der “Hippies”, denen Leonard Cohen nicht angehörte. Er gehörte mehr den „Beatniks“ an. Also, was sollte er in „Woodstock“?
  9. Vielleicht empfand er das musikalische Programm (Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Creedance Clearwater Revival, etc. ) für seine Art der Musik nicht passend?
  10. … oder vielleicht wurde er einfach auch nur nicht eingeladen, wie er es 1992 einmal in einem, Interview sagte.


Und was passierte 1969 noch im Leben von Leonard Cohen, außer, daß er nicht in Woodstock war? Sein Album „Songs From a Room“ erschien im Frühjahr und er begann am nächsten zu arbeiten. Und ja, er verbrachte viel Zeit auf Hydra im „Woodstock“-Jahr.

10 reasons

why Leonard Cohen did not perform at the Woodstock Festival in 1969

by Christof Graf


“He would have been a good fit to the Woodstock Festival”, says Woodstock-Photographer Elliott Landy

“Leonard Cohen had his own style. He brought a new way into music. He brought poetry into music, like Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, The Doors or Van Morrison did. He was singing talking, and not just singing with a melodious voice. He would have been a good fit to the Woodstock Festival. The universe is very connected. Living life is a lot of connection.With his writing he brought a beautiful poetry into music and did a new way of music. All the great artist were able to create something completely new. He was an unique artist“, says Woodstock-Photographer Elliott Landy in conversation at his exhibition opening „Woodstock Vision“ on 7.8.2919 in Karlsruhe / Germany. But Leonard Cohen did not perform in Woodstock. Possible reasons?


  1. He was not invited
  2. He was still in his „aggravated“ phase and was uncomfortable with live performances and the masses.
  3. He met the woman who made him a family man: Suzanne Elrod
  4. He met the man who made him a monk: Zen Master Joshu Sasaki Roshi
  5. He was on his way to Nashville?
  6. He stayed in New York City and checked in at the Chelsea Hotel
  7. In June 1969, Leonard Cohen traveled to Italy to find out if he should play the soundtrack to the film about the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Donavan got the job and Leonard went on to Greece. Suzanne followed him and stayed with him on Hydra. Another clue that Cohen was on Hydra on the days of Woodstock (August 15-18, 1969) is an indication Cohen once mentioned in an interview: Suzanne and I received the message that Charmian Clift had died on Hydra. Charman Clift, the Australian writer died on July 8, 1969.
  8. „Woodstock“ was the festival of „hippies“ that Leonard Cohen did not belong to. He belonged more to the „beatniks“. So what should he do in Woodstock?
  9. Maybe he did not like the musical program (Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Creedance Clearwater Revival, etc.) for his style of music?
  10. … or maybe he just was not invited, as he once said in an interview in 1992.


And what happened to Leonard Cohen in 1969, except that he was not in Woodstock? His album „Songs From A Room“ appeared in the spring and he started working the next. And yes, he spent a lot of time on Hydra in the „Woodstock“ year.