KW-46-2021: Great Video, aber viel zu wenig Beachtung – Da draußen posten soviele so vieles, reposten und reposten, sind beim copy & pasten zudem teils höchst unkreativ …. da ist es fast unglaublich, warum dieser geniale und gar nicht mal so oft ge-sharte YOUTUBE-Clip so wenig clicks hat: 22 Aufrufe seit 2017 ? ! ? – Leonard Cohen live at Kalvøyafestivalen 1985 – Great video, but far too little attention – out there posting so much, reposting and reposting, are also sometimes extremely uncreative when it comes to copying and pasting …. it’s almost unbelievable why this ingenious and not so often shared YOUTUBE -Clip has so few clicks: 22 views since 2017? ! ? – Leonard Cohen live at Kalvøyafestivalen 1985

Leonard Cohen live at Kalvøyafestivalen | Norway | 1985 Memories | Heart With No Companion | Story of Isaac | I Tried to Leave You. NRK TV.