KW-06-2023: Mit Leonard Cohen (und English lernen – From interview to article – Wie man aus einem Interview einen Artikel macht. Hier gibt es das Rohmaterial: Students should use this interview as if it were the „raw material“ from which they are going to write an article. The printed text above is a straight transcription of the interview that Leonard Cohen gave to Spectrum, including the hesitations, repetitions, unfinished sentences and fillers that are features of the way we speak. So using information from this article, plus any other information you may have, write a 400-word article about Leonard Cohen.

In this interview, Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, who died in November 2016, speaks exclusively with Linguapress editor Andrew Rossiter for the magazine Spectrum.


Leonard Cohen Interview/ From interview to article.

Students should use this interview as if it were  the „raw material“ from which they are going to write an article.  The printed text above is a straight transcription of the interview that Leonard Cohen gave to Spectrum, including the hesitations, repetitions, unfinished sentences  and fillers that are features of the way we speak. So using information from this article, plus any other information you may have, write a 400-word article about Leonard Cohen.