KW-17-2023: #RIP_HarryBelafonte ist tot . Harry Belafonte passed away : Extensive interview by Patrick Watson, broadcast on CBC february 8th 1980 in the show ‚Authors‘. With poem readings of Death of a Lady’s Man. Leonard talking about drugs, writing, marriage and many other things. : Leonard Cohen said in an interview 1980: Harry Belafonte’s wife, who had been very suspicious about my presence because I had suggested that Harry Belafonte change his show and stop singing calypso and start singing about himself… He’s a very great singer. We were drinking late into the night at the Four Seasons Hotel and I got out this poem [Slowly I Married Her] and I thought he could set it to music. And I don’t know whether it was the vodka or not, but she wept a few tears that sealed the night very nicely.

„Harry Belafonte’s wife, who had been very suspicious about my presence because I had suggested that Harry Belafonte change his show and stop singing calypso and start singing about himself… He’s a very great singer. We were drinking late into the night at the Four Seasons Hotel and I got out this poem [Slowly I Married Her] and I thought he could set it to music. And I don’t know whether it was the vodka or not, but she wept a few tears that sealed the night very nicely.“ (LEONARD COHEN)

Extensive interview by Patrick Watson, broadcast on CBC february 8th 1980 in the show ‚Authors‘. With poem readings of Death of a Lady’s Man. Leonard talking about drugs, writing, marriage and many other things.

posted on in 1998