KW-18-2023: Prince Charles is a big Leonard Cohen fan and thinks he’s ‘very moving’ . – Showing some real taste, the King loves a bit of Leonard Cohen. In an interview with Radio 3 in 2018, the King singled out this tune, a loose adaptation of a poem by Federico García Lorca. “I’ve always loved Leonard Cohen’s voice and his whole approach to the way he sang,“ King Charles said. He was obviously incredibly sophisticated in the way he sang, but also wrote. I find it very moving, the words are so extraordinary, sort of Salvador Dalí-like, they lead you into this remarkable Dalí-like world.”

Prince Charles is a big Leonard Cohen fan and thinks he’s ‘very moving’ (BBC 2018)

A surprising favourite of Prince Charles’ is the late Leonard Cohen. A few years ago Charles said: “The orchestration is fantastic and the lyrics and everything – he’s a remarkable man. He has this incredibly laid-back, gravelly voice.” Hallelujah and amen to that.