KW-06-2024: MISSING IN ACTION LEONARD COHEN-ALBUMS – found on YOUTUBE … an interesting post …. about one of those other missing records.


„There’s a European Union law that says music must be publicly released within fifty years of the year it was recorded in order for the copyright to be maintained. So record companies have often released music in their vaults literally for a mere hour or two in the middle of the night on some obscure platform so they can technically say it was publicly for sale. That’s what happened to a bunch of 1970 Cohen recordings in 2020. That release included four concerts (though without the banter and most of the applause) and some studio outtakes. I’ve already posted two of the concerts, including one with the banter and applause put back in. This is an album of the studio outtakes, plus a couple other rarities from 1970.“

This „so called“ album is 44 minutes long and contains the follwoing songs: 01 Priests (Leonard Cohen) 02 Az der Rebbe Singt [When the Rabbi Sings] (Leonard Cohen) 03 Joan of Arc [Spoken Lyrics Version] (Leonard Cohen) 04 I Was Standing on the Wooden Stair [Incomplete] (Leonard Cohen) 05 Sing Another Song, Boys [Studio Version] (Leonard Cohen) 06 I’m in the Darkness [Alternate Lyrics for Avalanche] (Leonard Cohen) 07 Passing Through [Studio Version] [Edit] (Leonard Cohen) 08 Time for Counting [Incomplete] (Leonard Cohen) 09 Travel (Poem) (Leonard Cohen) 10 Why Don’t I Have the Magic [Improvised Song] (Leonard Cohen) 11 Celebration [Poem] (Leonard Cohen) 12 The Arms of Regina (Leonard Cohen) 13 Tonight Will Be Fine [Alternate Lyrics Version] (Leonard Cohen) 14 News from the Authorities [Improvised Song] (Leonard Cohen) 15 As the Mist Leaves No Scar [Poem] (Leonard Cohen)