KW-32-2024: Three Books in ONE – 3 Bücher in Einem – Das zweite Kapitel, „Book Of Montreal“ genannt widmet sich den sogenannten COHEN PLACES in Montreal, also den Orten in der kanadischen Metropole, die in besonderer B eziehung zu Leonard Cohen stehen, wie z.B. Elternhaus, späteres Wohnhaus, seine Uni, Cafès, die er besucht hatte, etc.

The second chapter, called „Book Of Montreal“, is dedicated to the so-called COHEN PLACES in Montreal, i.e. the places in the Canadian metropolis that have a special relationship with Leonard Cohen, such as his parents‘ house, later home, his university, cafes he had attended, etc.

Vol. 6 – Marillion , Montreal & Leonard Cohen – UK-Prog Rock-Band #MARILLION on Montreal and on Leonard Cohen – Essays, Photos, Interviews – #Marillion #Montreal #LeonardCohen