The history. I’m from Barcelona, but bythat time I was living
in the UK (the Midlands). There was thisreunion of members
of the Leonard Cohen Files forum at the Green Note in London,
and I thoughtitwouldbegreattofinallymeet all of them in person.
So I wentthere I hadnoidea Leonard Cohen wouldbeattending a
meeting of fans in a pub. But there he went. I remember I was sitting
way at the back fromwhere the „presenters“ were, andwhen he appearedsuddenly I foundmyself at the very
first rowwithoutevenrealizing. I hadabsolutelynoideawhattotellhim, I hadneverbeen so nervous
in mylife, so I just saidthankyouforyoursongs Mr. Cohen. We took the picture, andsignedhisauthograph
forme in a tinynotebooksheet of paper a friendfrom the forumgavetome, as I hadn’tpreparedanything