KW-28-2022: THE HISTORY OF THE MONTREUX JAZZ – FESTIVAL CONTINUES TO BE WRITTEN … At the Auditorium Stravinski, Diana Ross celebrated the very last date of her tour in Europe in Montreux. After an hour and a half show, she gave a touching finale during which she invited her whole family to join her on stage. The audience enjoyed a more human and vulnerable diva than ever. The Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds concert was as hectic on stage as it was backstage, with a 17-camera blockbuster capturing the performance from every angle. Just a few weeks before his appearance, the Australian gave the festival’s audiovisual production team permission to film his concert for commercial release – the only such release of his entire tour.

The great return of the Montreux Jazz Festival kept all its promises. In total, more than 250,000 festival-goers enjoyed the 56th edition under a radiant sky during the entire event. Following the example of the Lake House, the new free venues were taken over by the public from the very first day, validating in the best possible way the Festival’s bet to reinvent its format.

KW-27-2022: welcome to the 12th International Leonard Cohen Event in Gent/ Belgium during the weekend of August 5-7. The Event will host several artists, speakers and films during the weekend, aswell as combining some lovely sight seeing in the medieval city of Ghent with late night gatherings with friends old and new.

Maarten Massa, ein seit Jahren / Jahrzehnten engagierter Leonard Cohen-Experte organisiert das diesjährige Leonard Cohen Event, welches dieses mal erstmals im belgischen Gent stattfindet. Anbei seine Infos zur Teilnahme.
Dear friends
Here’s a little reminder that the 12th International Leonard Cohen Event will take place in only one month. We will be gathering in the beautiful city of Ghent (Belgium) to celebrate the life and work of Leonard Cohen during the weekend of August 5-7. The Event will host several artists, speakers and films during the weekend, aswell as combining some lovely sight seeing in the medieval city of Ghent with late night gatherings with friends old and new.
If you’re interested in joining us for the weekend, make sure to read all the info which can be found on the Forum ( here:
And if you need any more info, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and I’ll gladly answer any of your questions. But don’t wait too long to register, because we are near to closing the registration for pratical reasons.
Hope to see you in Ghent next month!
For now: enjoy summer, stay well and take care of each other.
All good things
Maarten & the organizing committee of the Event

KW-27-2022: my lil corona-tagebuch : eintrag vom 7.7.22

Die bundesweite Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz wurde heute vom RKI mit 690,6 angegeben. Am Vortag hatte der Wert der Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner und Woche bei 678,8 gelegen (Vorwoche: 668,6; Vormonat: 199,9). Allerdings liefert die Inzidenz kein vollständiges Bild der Infektionslage, so das RKI- „Man gehe davon aus, dass es eine hohe Zahl nicht vom RKI erfasster Fälle gibt und bei Weitem nicht alle Infizierten einen PCR-Test machen lassen.“ … und war da nicht auch noch eine neue Corona-Variante….aus Indien….?

KW-27-2022: Jim Devlin is opening his archives – Ein neues Booklet über Leonard Cohen`s 1985er Various Position-Tour ist erschienen.


Leonard’s VARIOUS POSITIONS album and the 1985 tours in Europe & North America & Australia (including all known venues and set lists)

61 pages, A5, single-sided, plastic comb binding, with some black&white and some colour photographs

Limited edition of 1st and only edition (100 copies), dated March 29, 2022

You may order your copy directly from Jim Devlin. Payment via PayPal only; his account is at Please do NOT send cheques or cash in the mail!

These prices include padded envelope & postage
UK … £10 [1st class]
Europe … €15 euros [air mail]
USA … $ 20 US [air mail]
Canada … $25 canadian [air mail]
Australia … $25 australian [air mail]

Please note: Jim apologises for any Customs problems in the EU which you may encounter in having to pay something like €2 to have it ‘released’ … because of Brexit, there may be new Postal Fees in some EU countries when goods arrive there from the UK.

This is the 3rd (of 4) booklets in the series; Also still available: copies of Jim’s previous booklets – The Future (1992 album + 1993 tours); and I’m Your Man (1988 album + tours).

The 4th and last booklet in the series: Recent Songs (1979 album + tours in ’79 + ’80) is now in preparation and will be on sale later this year in November/December 2022.

KW-23-2021: new booklet by Jim Devlin is out: Before …. THE FUTURE …. and Afterward – Leonard Cohen : October 1992 – December 1993