Es gibt einige Cohen-Songs, von denen es Alternativ-Versionen oder zusätzliche Strophen/ Zeilen gibt. Manchmal wurden diese in seinen Live-Konzerten gespielt. Manchmal unerwartet und nur dem Cohenologen fiel die kleine Variation auf, manchmal erläuterte Cohen den Song vor der Performance. In damaligen Interviews ergänzte er: „I have about 50 verses of Democracy that I discarded. It examined many many themes. It was occasioned by the collapse of the Berlin Wall. It is a song where there’s no inside and no outside. This is just the life of the democracy.“
Von dem Song „Democracy“ gab es bei der Tournee 1993 die meisten Variationen wie z.B. in Copenhagen 06/05/93
Hier die zusätzliche Strophe:
From the church where the outcasts can hide from the Masque
Where the blood is dignified
Like the fingers on your hand, like an hourglass of sand
We can separate but not divide
And I know your baby’s missing, but we sited her today
She was cleaning her machine-gun, she was waving her beret
Democracy is coming to the USA
Und auch in London (10/05/93) gab es eine gesprochene neue Strophe:
It ain’t comin‘ to us European-style,
Concentration camp behind the smile;
It ain’t comin‘ from the east
With its temporary feast
As Count Dracula comes strolling down the aisle.
And I know your baby’s missing, but we sited her today
She was cleaning her machine-gun, she was waving her beret
Democracy is coming to the USA
In San Francisco am 03/07/93 gab es wie auch on in Boston am 16/07/93 weitere gesprochene Strophen zu „Democracy“ Live in Concert:
First we killed the Lord,then we stole the Blues
This guttered people always in the news
But who really gets to laugh behind the Black man’s back
When he makes his little crack about the Jews?
Who really gets to profit?And who really gets to pay?
Who gets to ride the slavery ship right into Charleston Bay?
Democracy is coming to the USA