KW-26-2021: 50. Todestag von #Jim_MORRISON (The Doors) – Hat Jim Morrison jemals Leonard Cohen getroffen? Has Jim Morrison ever met Leonard Cohen? Yes !

Photos: Christof Graf

Jim Morrisons Grab auf dem Pariser Pre Lachaise Friedhof

Leonard Cohen berichtete, daß er Jim Morrison mehrmals getroffen hatte, aber nicht viel mit ihm sprach. Mit Nico besuchte er einmal ein Konzert von Jim Morrison.

Jim Morrison trat mit THE DOORS 1970 ebenso wie Leonard Cohen beim ISLE OF WIGHT-Festival. Nach diesem Konzert gab Morrison noch zwei Konzerte mit den Doors im selben Jahr. Danach zog er nach Paris und kehrte von dort nie wieder zurück. Am 3. Juli 1971 wurde er in Paris tot in der Badewanne aufgefunden.



“I bumped into Jim Morrison a couple of times but I did not know him well.” heißt es in Silvie Simmons Buch „I`m Your Man“

„I remember going to one of Jim Morrison’s first concerts in America. It was very early on in their career, and I went with her. She asked me to leave without her because she wanted to stay behind. But I was a tough old bird by then. I was used to it.‘

The „She“ is Nico, from the VELVET UNDERGROUND


Leonard Cohen reported that he had met Jim Morrison several times but did not speak to him much. He once attended a Jim Morrison concert with Nico.

Jim Morrison performed with THE DOORS in 1970 as did Leonard Cohen at the ISLE OF WIGHT festival. After this concert he gave two more concerts with the Doors in the same year. He then moved to Paris and never returned from there. On July 3, 1971, he was found dead in the bathtub in Paris.

KW-08-2018: Through the craves, The wind is blowing – Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit – Ein Spaziergang über den Pariser Père Lachaise zum Grab von Jim Morrison -oder # Wie das #Grab von #Jim Morrison einfach zu finden ist