KW-27-2020: „It`s a great honour to play for these angels born of the mud“. – Setlists & Spoken Words in : ZEN & POESIE – Vol. 3 – Das Leonard Cohen – Lexikon – Two examples of so many „spoken words“ that Leonard Cohen directed to his audience in his concerts. Some of them can be found in my book „ZEN & POESIE- Das Leonard Cohen-Lexikon – Vol. 3“ together with all concert dates and setlists of all his concert tours as well as over 500 photos. – Zwei Beispiele von so vielen „Spoken Words“, die Leonard Cohen in seinen Konzerten an sein Publikum gerichtet hat. Einige davon sind in meinem Buch „ZEN & POESIE- Das Leonard Cohen-Lexikon – Vol. 3“ zusammen mit allen Konzertdaten und Setlists all seiner Konzertreisen sowie über 500 Fotos zu finden.


„It`s a great honour to play for these angels born of the mud“.


Zwei Beispiele von so vielen „Spoken Words“, die Leonard Cohen in seinen Konzerten an sein Publikum gerichtet hat. Einige davon sind in meinem Buch „ZEN & POESIE- Das Leonard Cohen-Lexikon – Vol. 3“ zusammen mit allen Konzertdaten und Setlists all seiner Konzertreisen sowie mit über 500 Fotos zu finden.

„Drive carefully home and don’t catch a cold.

May you be surrounded by friends and family

all the days of your life

or god bless you in your solitude.“

Two examples of so many „spoken words“ that Leonard Cohen directed to his audience in his concerts. Some of them can be found in my book „ZEN & POESIE- Das Leonard Cohen-Lexikon – Vol. 3“ together with all concert dates and setlists of all his concert tours as well as with over 500 photos.

Vol. 3 ZEN & POESIE – Das Leonard Cohen – Lexikon – Band 3 – Vol. 3 – Tourdaten, Setlists & Spoken Words (bilingual: Deutsch/ English) – OUT NOW: 03/2020

KW-27-2020: Last weekend Europeans historic Glastonbury Festival 2020 – The 50th anniversary-festival was cancelled due to coronavirus. In 2008 #Leonard Cohen did an amazing gig at the Glastonbury-Festival. Letztes Wochenende hätte Europas historisches Glastonbury Festival 2020 im 50. Jubiläumsjahr stattgefunden. Wegen Corona wurde es abgesagt. 2008 hatte #Leonard Cohen einen fantastischen Auftritt beim damaligen Glastonbury-Festival – More Infos :

KW-27-2015: Leonard Cohen und … Open Airs – Teil 7. – Die Open Air-Festivalsaison 2015 von Christof Graf – Das . Glastonbury-Festival 2015. Leonard Cohen war natürlich in diesem Jahr nicht dabei. Aber der europäische Ableger von Woodstock, der zumeist im selben Atemzug mit Roskilde genannt wird, wenn es um europäische Woodstocks geht, findet zudem auch oft zeitgleich statt ( Ende Juni/ Anfang Juli) und darf bei der hiesigen Betrachtung zeitgenössischer Festival-Legenden in der Tradition Cohens nicht fehlen. Dieses Jahr fand Glastonbury am vergangenen Wochenende vom 24.-28. Juni 2015 statt. Cohen war 1 x dabei: 2008

The biggest festival in the world has been forced to cancel its 50th anniversary celebrations due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Letztes Wochenende hätte Europas historisches Glastonbury Festival 2020 im 50. Jubiläumsjahr stattgefunden. Wegen Corona wurde es abgesagt. 2008 hatte #Leonard Cohen einen fantastischen Auftritt beim damaligen Glastonbury-Festival, bei dem 2008 u.a. auch #Amy_Winehouse und #The Kings_of_Leon dabei waren.

Glastonbury-Festival-Gründer Michael Eavis sagte das „50th Glastonbury 2020“ mit folgendem Statement ab:

Posting on Twitter on 18th of march 2020 Glastonbury Founder and Promoter Michael and Emily Eavis released an apologetic statement in regards to tickets, and offered those who had paid their deposits the chance to roll it over until next year.

The statement read: „We are so sorry to announce this, but Glastonbury 2020 will have to be cancelled, and this will be an enforced fallow year for the Festival.

„Clearly this was not a course of action we hoped to take…but following the new government measures…this is now our only viable option.

„We are no longer able to spend the next three months with thousands of crew here on the farm, helping us with the enormous job of building the infrastructure and attractions needed to welcome more than 200,000 people to a temporary city in these fields.

„We understand it is not always easy to secure a Glastonbury ticket, which is why we would like to offer all those people the chance to roll their £50 deposit over to next year, and guarantee the opportunity to buy a ticket for Glastonbury 2021.“

The full balance for Glastonbury tickets was due to be paid at the beginning of April but this will no longer stand.

People wanting a refund of their deposits are being asked to contact See Tickets in the coming days, with the option to do this remaining in place until September 2020.

The statement continued: „For those who are happy to roll their deposit over, that will happen automatically.

„Further information – including details on rolling over coach packages, official accommodation bookings and local Sunday tickets – will be added to our website in the coming days.

„We were so looking forward to welcoming you all for our 50th anniversary with a line-up full of fantastic artists and performers.

„Again, we’re so sorry that this decision has been made. It was not through choice.

KW-27-2020: the story so far… Bob Dylan & Leonard Cohen – One of those 75 lil stories on the occasion of Dylan’s 75th birthday about the wellknown – neverending & everlasting comparison. Mentioned already in my first book on Leonard Cohen in the 90ies, long before facebook existed ….*smile*

KW-17-2016: 75 JAHRE BOB DYLAN – 75 Beiträge zu Dylans 75. Geburtstag – (5/75 – one of those anecdotes: dylan & cohen in paris oder: „Ich und Ich und Hallelujah“ : COHEN & DYLAN – Performances, in Concert, Music & Poetry, Anecdotes & Infos. the neverending & everlasting comparison. COHEN & DYLAN – Some critical anaylises – by Christof Graf

“How long did it take to write it?” Dylan asked. “Two years,” Cohen lied knowing full well that the process of forming that particular song actually stretched into five years.

In response, Cohen told Dylan: “I really like ‘I and I,” in reference to the song that appeared on Dylan’s album Infidels. “How long did it take you to write that?” Cohen then asked.

“About fifteen minutes,” Dylan replied. The dye was cast, though they may have been very different writers they were certainly part of the same spectrum. “I think that Bob Dylan knows this more than all of us: you don’t write the songs anyhow,” Cohen later said in 2008. “So if you’re lucky, you can keep the vehicle healthy and responsive over the years. If you’re lucky, your own intentions have very little to do with this,“

The only Cohen song he ever covered. He did it twice in 1988, in: MONTREAL & LOS ANGELES

KW-27-2020: Bob Dylan covers Leonard Cohen`s #Hallelujah. The story has been told so many times, but it’s always nice to hear … Bob Dylan covert Leonard Cohen`s #Hallelujah . FAROUT MAGAZINE summarizes them again today: …. Die Geschichte wurde schon so oft erzählt, ist aber immer wieder schön zu hören…DAS FAROUT MAGAZIN fasst sie heute nochmal zusammen:

Revisit Bob Dylan covering Leonard Cohen song ‘Hallelujah’ live, 1988