Archiv für den Monat: November 2017

KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 82/ 82) – WAS BLEIBT … der letzte Beitrag in der GALERIE DER ERINNERUNGEN. The last section in the Galery Of Memories – „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


(Photo: Christof Graf)

Was bleibt…

14 Alben

ein paar Bücher

über 3000 Coverversionen, von denen es immer mehr gibt

und Millionen glücklicher Menschen, die glücklich sind, zur selben Zeit gelebt zu haben, wie dieser faszinierende Künstler und Mensch.

Christof Graf

KW-45-2017: Der Kreis schließt sich: die geplanten 82 Beiträge zu einer geplanten GALERIE OF MEMORIES ist vollbracht. In der Woche des ersten Todestages von Leonard Cohen beschließe ich diese GALLERIE und bedanke mich für allen Support und alle ZUsendungen.


Mit dem obigen Shot wurde die Galerie in der ersten Woche des Jahres 2017 eröffnet. Jetzt schließt sich der Kreis und die geplanten 82 ERINNERUNGEN sind zusammengetragen und beschließen in der Woche des erstebn Todestages Leonard Cohens die GALERY OF MEMORIES.

Das Netz war voller Liebesbekundungen, Nachrufe und Homagen an den wohl größten Rockpoeten des 20./ 21. Jahrhunderts. Es gab viel Korrospondenz mit Cohenmaniacs, Cohenologen und “Friends along the way”, mit denen man sich schon über Jahrzehnte über das Leben und Werk Leonard Cohens austauschte. Im nun ersten Jahr nach dem Tode von Leonard Cohen am 7.11.2016 ist das “virtuelles Buch der Erinnerungen” ins Lebens gerufen und nunmehr abgeschlossen worden . “A Book Of Memories”, das in unregelmäßigen Abständen ganz individuelle Erinnerungen an Leonard Cohen erzählte. 82 sollten es werden. 82 MOments of Memories…82 sind es geworden. Ich danke für den Support und die mir zugesandten, angebotenen und genehmigten Beiträge.

Christof Graf

KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 79/ 82) – „Machte #MONTREAL 2017 zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis: Mein Freund Manfred Krüll aus Montreal.“ – „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 78/ 82) – „HENNING FRANZ & LEONARD COHEN & ROSCOE BECK in Dortmund 2010 – „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


Hallo Christof,

ich schicke dir 2 Fotos.

 Das Zweite wurde aufgenommen vor dem Konzert in Dortmund (29.09.2010). Meine Begleitung war Bernadine Lynham aus Dublin. Sie arbeitet für einen Optiker und Leonard hat ihre Brille begutachtet und für ausgezeichnet gehalten.

KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 77/ 82) – Meeting Leonard On The Road/ UNKNOWN WOMAN. „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


I love this picture and should need to ask for permission to use it here. Hope that „unknown woman“ will agree to publish it…If not getting permission, of course I will remove it from the gallary

KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 76/ 82) – Leonard Cohen`s Artwork, Computergraphics, Drawings & Selfportraits – Seen on #Tower_OF_SONG-Tribute-Concert within Intermission on stage. „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 75/ 82) – Meeting Leonard On The Road/ FAY GINZBERG: „I saw LC with a few people on the other side of the street. Since I happened to have a small gift for him and a book of poetry for him to sign ( Book of Longing). in case I happened by some chance to see him, I took a deep breath, crossed the street and spoke to him and gave him the gift… “ – „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


Christof, Wow. I’d be honoured to be included. The photo is from Dublin near Leonard Cohen’s hotel (The Greshem) on 10/9/2013. It was the day before the concert I had tickets for on 11th. I was back to Dublin a second time after being there the previous year for the concert at Kilmainham. Walking back to my hotel, around the corner. I saw LC with a few people on the other side of the street. Since I happened to have a small gift for him and a book of poetry for him to sign ( Book of Longing). in case I happened by some chance to see him, I took a deep breath, crossed the street and spoke to him and gave him the gift. He was very humble and grateful about the present and suggested that one of the team who was outside with him take a photo of me with him. It was an amazing and gratifying experience being able to thank him for all he’d meant to me. He was so kind and generous and I’ll never forget those few minutes as well as the five concerts I attended before he stopped touring. Best wishes, Fay


KW-45-2017: #Leonard Cohen #book_of_memories – Moments Of Memories (part 74/ 82) – Meeting Leonard On The Road/ MARY AAFTINK. „In 2017, now there are 21 years of German Website on Leonard Cohen `s Life & Work: & & ### celebrates a new section called: #book_of_memories


The photo was taken on November 13th, 2009 in San Jose, California. I had been at the Las Vegas concert the night before and had flown to San Jose with a crowd of other Cohenites. By luck I was staying at the same hotel as Leonard and arrived at the same time as him and the band. The photo was taken by Albert Noonan, videographer extraordinaire!74-cohenpedia-headsite-in_MEMORY_OF_LEONARDCOHEN-MARY_AAFTINK_No-74-by-Christof_Graf